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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-0612
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 11-03-2013
Subject To provide new user id password
Complaint / Requirement

Please allot new user id & password to Executive Engineer, Byatarayanapura Division office. as my office typist / data entry operator is manupalatiing the records with the existing user id & password. So kindly update the things.......


Thanking you.

Comments / Requirement / Feedback / Suggestion Uploded Files List
IndianCST - 12-03-2013 01:03:13


Please send the details of the user as in Name, Office address , Division and bamk account details and if the user name if for payment then the type of the user

IndianCST - 16-04-2013 12:04:40

The Help desk contact the user and got ot know that the issue have been sorted out and the user is now having the user name to generate the receipt. Therefore, closing the complaint.

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