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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-0031
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 16-08-2012
Subject User ID rdrimahalakshmilayout - Revenue Dept
Complaint / Requirement

The user office had shifted to other place because of which the user had forgotten his password. However, it was found that the same changepassword was the existing password for the user rdrimahalakshmilayout.

The user office had shifted to other place because of which the user had forgotten his password. However, it was found that the same changepassword was the existing password for the user rdrimahalakshmilayout.
Comments / Requirement / Feedback / Suggestion Uploded Files List
IndianCST - 16-08-2012 03:08:48

User had called the Indiancst Helpdesk regarding the same password forgotten problem and the issue was resolbed by the helpdesk team immediately.

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