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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2907
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 29-05-2015
Subject Wrong Khata number in Tax paid receipt
Complaint / Requirement

Hi Sir/Madam,

As per my Khata Certificate is 1075/49/36 but as per the receipt for AY 2014-15 shows as 175/59/36. Please correct this record, i am doubtful to pay for year AY 2015-16 as it ight go to wrong khata number. Please advice.



Srinivasulu Chereddy

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C V G PRASAD - 01-06-2015 11:06:32

Dear Sir/madam,

My New PID is 008-W0122-31.

As per my Khata certifiate, my Khata Number is 1651/1 and my property address is 1651/1, B-Block, Sahakaranagar, Bangalore - 560092. However, in all my property tax receipts, I have been getting my Khata Number as 1051/1 and address as 1051/1, RMS Layout/Sahakaranagar, B-Block & C-Block, Virupakjshapura.

BBMP officials in Sahakara nagar have been asking me to send an application with copies of my Sale deed etc. As it is an error from the BBMP side during the computerisation, can this not be rectified at your end using the original records.

I have enclosed a copy of my Khata certificate and 2015-16 Tax paid receiot.



Please do the needful.



C.V.G. Prasad



CVG Prasad-1651-1-Khata Details.pdf
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