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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2906
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 29-05-2015
Subject Double Payment of Property Tax - 029-M0041-47-261
Complaint / Requirement


I have tried paying the property tax (PID: 029-M0041-47-261) on April 27th afternoon around 3:30 PM. The amount Rs. 1312.00 has been debited from my HDFC Bank (A/C: 05231610011161) but the transaction failed. I have tried again on the same day evening around 9:00 PM and the transaction was successful. So far, the amount for the failed transaction has not been credited to my account. I have reached out to my bank and they mentioned that BBMP should refund the amount. Please do the needful at the earliest. 

I have been chasing the numbers you provided on your website and those numbers never work. Never imagined you guys are so hopeless. 

Best regards,

Simhadri Rama Rao

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