Property tax for PID 21-97-31 (New PID No 105-M0097-70) was done online
Tax amount was Rs 34183/-
First transaction through the HDFC debit card ending 9793 on 26th April at 11:33 am was NOT succesful.
Second transaction through the HDFC credit card ending 4104 on 26th April at 11:36:45 was succesful.
After verifying my bank statement there is a debit of 34183/- from the debit card, debited on 26th April at 11:33 am to though the transaction was unsuccesful
Details are
26 Apr 2015 |
PTax1516-BBMPMC |
426113322 |
26 Apr 2015 |
34,183.00 |
I would request you to refund the same back.
Anand |