Sir I had paid amount of Rs 8294 towards my Property tax for 2015-16 online on 26 Apr 15. My application number is 581264855 and my P Id is 1-77-18/149 my first attempt through HDFC bank, the transaction failed however, the amount was debited from my account and no receipt was generated. I subsequently made the payment through SBI using Citrus payment .The online reciept for payment through SBI using Citrus payment is placed as an attachment to this mail. The details of the transaction is as follows:
HDFC bank (failed) SBI(sucess)
Ref no- 426094759 05265882707990IG00XVNFQ8
Details- PTax1516BBMPMC INB Citrus Payment solutions
Date - 26 Apr 15 26 Apr 15
It is requested that the amount of Rs 8294/- debited from my HDFC account , which was a failed transaction, be refunded at the earliest |