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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2702
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 04-05-2015
Subject Duplicate Payment of Tax for FY15-16 due to Error first time, New PID: 198-W1534-14
Complaint / Requirement

Hello BBMP,

When I tried to pay the tax for the first time, I got an error saying that the transaction was not successful, but the amount got deducted from my bank account (Bank txn num: 429120649)

So, retried and the second time the payment was successful and the receipt was also generated, money was also deducted successfully. (Bank txn num: 429140349)

The Bank records say that the money was deducted both the times and on enquiring from the bank I was told that the transaction took place from their end.

Request you to kindly reimburse the duplicate amount paid and do the needful.

Transaction Reference Number "429120649" - Failed txn from BBMP website
Transaction Reference Number "429140349" - This transaction was successful.

Money was deducted in both the transaction, request you to reimburse the duplicate amount "Rs 330/-" back.

Below are the details:
Bank: HDFC Netbanking
HDFC Bank Transaction Reference Number: 429120649 and 429140349
Date: 29 April 2015
Amount: 330
New PID No: 198-W1534-14


I've uploaded the bank mini statement as a proof that duplicate payment was done and money was deducted twice from my account.

Please do the needful and reimburse the amount back.



Sreedevi and Sreeshylan.

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