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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2642
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 30-04-2015
Subject Not able to pay property tax online - did multiple attempts from morning to evening but couldn't succeed.
Complaint / Requirement

I have been trying to pay the property tax through bbmp website since morning but i cou;dn't succeed. I could fill the Online Form 4 but when i click on "Online Payment" button, getting different messages everytime and does not proceed further.

Messages i got when i click on "Online Payment":

"The page at 1113.sasbbmp.com says:

Transaction (Process ID 262) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources woth another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

"The page at 1113.sasbbmp.com says:

This SqlTransaction has completeed; it is no longer usable."

"The page at 1113.sasbbmp.com says:

Record saved successfully."



Tried contacting bbmp helpline numbers:

BBMP Helpline Phone Number : (080) 28602391,8123445885

one was not active and another one was not responding.


I spent (wasted) whole day trying to pay property tax but couldn't achieve it. 

You guys expect us to to pay the tax ontime but when we try to pay ontime you guys are not supporting.

Kindly fix the issue and help the people to pay their tax ontime.

Because of the bbmp website issue we need to pay extra amount as today is the last day to avail 5%.

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