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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2630
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 30-04-2015
Subject Online tax payment - Amount debited from bank twice but transaction failure both times
Complaint / Requirement
Respected Sir,
My SAS Base Application No.: 611675316.
I have paid my property tax today online for AY 2015-2016. The amount got debited from my bank account but in bbmp website it showed transaction failure first time so I tried again and same failure occured.
Amount is now deducted from my account twice and receipt did not get generated at all.
I paid using Netbanking of HDFC twice. Amount paid eachtime is Rs. 4768.
Can you please refund the excess amount paid paid online and guide me how to get a receipt for rest amount paid. 
Can you please generate a payment receipt for the same and send to me.
I am attaching the screenshots of my bank account debit and bbmp web site error.
Dwapayan Sharma
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