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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2319
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 10-04-2015
Subject double payment of tax for FY 2013-14
Complaint / Requirement

Dear Sir,

 I paid my property tax online (BBMP property tax portal) on 13/02/2015 for an amount of 726/- for FY 2013-14.

During this process, in the first attempt of making the payment using net banking, the amount Rs. 726/- was paid from my bank account but there was some error message.

So I felt that the payment was not successful and hence I once again made the payment using the net banking.
In the second attempt, there was no error message but there was also NO payment receipt generated.

Later when I contacted my bank, I came to know that the money was deducted 2 times (double payment) for the same assessment year 2013-2014.

Hence please consider my request to look into this problem of double payment of tax receipt for AY 2013-14.

Thanks –
Naga Sekhar

Comments / Requirement / Feedback / Suggestion Uploded Files List
Naga Sekhar Mudiam - 10-06-2015 12:06:08

transaction details of double payment is as follows:




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