I have paid the property tax twice forFY 2014-2015. The property is listed under BBMP bearing Khata No 251/221/207 and PID No 187-W0282-4-3, Survey No 26. Request you please refund the second payment.
Application no of year 2008-2009 - 3031435
Name - Irfan Kalkoti
Bank used - ICICI Bank
Gateway bank - ICICI Bank
Phone no - 9448114077
The first payment of Rs 4489.00 happened on 30/11/2014
Transaction Id - BIL/000684284648/Property Tax - 2014-/218233505274.
Bank Used - ICICI
Gateway Used - ICICI
Receipt No - 1415790280352.
2014-2015 Application No - 790280352
The second payment happened again on 1/12/2014 for Rs 4492.00.
Transaction Id - BIL/000684944308/Property Tax - 2014-/218299229257.
Bank Used - ICICI
Gateway Used - ICICI
Receipt No - Not Generated.
2014-2015 Application No - NA
I had made the payment online.
Herewithin, I am attaching the details of the ICICI bank statement for the transactions happened.
Also, attaching is the property tax payment receipt for the year 2014-2015
Could you please refund my amount of Rs 4492.00 which i paid on 1/12/2014. |