Dear Sir/Madam
I have made three payments on 17th Nov 2014, details as below: 1) For the year 2012-13; amount Rs.8307 paid from Axis Bank 2) For the year 2013-14; amount Rs.7386 paid using SBI Card 3) For the year 2014-15; amount Rs.6053 paid using SBI Card
While making payment for the year 2013-14, I tried making the payment using ICICI bank which was not successful and later paid using SBI card resulting in double payment.
The issue is with the unsuccessful payment made for the year 2013-14 through ICICI bank. The amount was debited from my ICICI account. I waited for 7 days for the reversal. Since this didn't happen, I called and checked with ICICI bank and learn from them that the transaction is successful from ICICI bank side. The propoerty details and bank transaction details are provided below.
The property reference details being: Application no: 2844281 New PID No: 192-W1364-1 Amount paid: Rs 7386 Property owner name: Rajesh Varma Jampana
Please find the details of the transaction below: Bank Name: ICICI Account holder name: Sirisha Alluri Transactions date: 17th Nov 2014 Transaction reference details: BIL/000678415795/PROPERTY TAX/21709 2790991-28
I filled the bbmp online payment compliant form and mailed to but didnt receive any update on this issue. I am also trying to call you but the phone numbers provided on weebsite are either switched off/ not operational. Can you please check the records if the funds are credited to BBMP and arrange for reversal of the same? Your prompt help on resolution of this issue is highly appreciated. Please call me, if you have any queries, to speed up the process. Thanks & Regards Sirisha |