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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-2025
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 08-12-2014
Subject Incorrect notice about property tax non payment
Complaint / Requirement

Dear Sir

This is in reference to a notice that I received few days back alleging that I haven’t paid property bearing PID 83-53-02/5. The notice bore a number 20289 and is dated 24/11/14.

I would like bring to your notice that the basis of this notice is incorrect, as I have been paying property tax regularly from 2008-09 to till date. In-fact from 2008-2009 to 2014-2015, so far I have paid a total of 26455/- as against the notice which claims the amount due as 26355/-. Hard copy of online receipts are being sumbitted to your local office. However since these are computer generated, request you to check this as per your computer records and clear this notice.

If you need any further details do not hesitate to reach me on below contact points.



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