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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1951
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 26-10-2014
Subject garbage dumping and potholes on all roads in veerannapalaya
Complaint / Requirement

Respected sir,


The main road in Veerannapalaya ( Nagawara) is used as a garbage dumping area. This has caused lot of incovenience to the residents and also major damage to the roads.  There are three schools and an old age home in the same place and is a major health hazard. The access roads are in bad state. Kindly resolve the issue asap.


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IndianCST - 29-10-2014 06:10:50

The issue related to the above problem. Please do raise the complaint either using the link http://vigeyegpms.in/bbmp/ or bbmp.gov.in 

updating the status as resolved as the url complaint raised by the public is not related to the issue.

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