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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1950
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 26-10-2014
Subject SAS 2008-09 Application no : 522002302 - I am getting the missing property error message in BBMP website
Complaint / Requirement

Hi Team,

My Name is Sudheer Reddy Bathula and The SAS 2008-09 Application No : 522002302.

When I am trying to access the PID number in BBMP web site (GIS Based New PID) and it gives error as missing property.

I am not able to pay the property tax trough online portal with the above mentioned application no : 522002302.

Please can you look into this issue and let me know if you need any further information.

Thanks in Advance.



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IndianCST - 29-10-2014 06:10:21

The issue related to the above problem. Please do raise the complaint using the link bbmp.gov.in 

updating the status as resolved as the url complaint raised by the public is not related to the issue.

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