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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1929
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 26-09-2014
Subject request for correction of survey no 116/2A on the property tax receipt
Complaint / Requirement

Dear All, We have submitted the request for correction of survey no 116/2A on the property tax receipt as on 18/06/2014 at BBMP office whitefiled, from that time onwards we have been following up with the RI and every time there is some excuse and he keeps telling will happen in next 10 days.

May we know who to approuch for the speedy closure of this?

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Shantha Kumari - 26-09-2014 01:09:22

Enclosed present property tax recipt and the requestion given to the BBMP office white field.

Shantha Kumari - 26-09-2014 01:09:30

Enclosed present property tax recipt and the requestion given to the BBMP office white field.

Shantha Kumari - 26-09-2014 01:09:32

Enclosed present property tax recipt and the requestion given to the BBMP office white field.

Sumithra J - 07-10-2014 12:10:50

Complaint forwarded to:

Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) : Shri Ramakanth, 22975555,9480683121,dcrev@bbmp.gov.in

Advisor IT:Shri Sheshadri T,22133029,9480683131,itadv@bbmp.gov.in

You can also contact Control Room Number:22221188 at BBMP, Head Office     

IndianCST - 18-10-2014 01:10:09

As the above complaint have been forwarded to the concerned department. Changing this complant status as resolved. 

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