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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1656
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 15-05-2014
Subject Loading and Unloading LPG cyliders in residential area
Complaint / Requirement

Hello Sir/Madam,

I am staying in 8th Main, BEML Layout, Thubarahalli. The HP LPG Cylinder load comes everyday and the delivery boys are unloading the refills from the Lorry and keep them in the paltform. This is causing lot of noises and there are chances for explosion to happen as they simply throw out the refill cylinders from the lorry while unloading. And there is a trnasformer near by and also the delivery boys used to smoke near by the refills. We have requested them to change the location to non-residential area but they never listened to us and behaving so rude.

Kindly take necessary action.



NOTE: If this is not right place to complaint, please guide us where we have to register this complaint.

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Suma R - 15-05-2014 11:05:18

Dear Sir, 

 I would suggest to you that you draft a letter and get signatures of all the other residents on your street, give a copy to your nearest HP dealer & keep the acknowledged copy with you. You request them to immediately stop this. 

In case it does not work then it should be escalated to higher authorities. 

Please note BBMP Control Room No: 080-22221188, they should be able to guide you where you can complain. 


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