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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1608
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 04-05-2014
Subject Require Amount reversal towards the double payment made towards property tax for Year 2014-2015
Complaint / Requirement

Dear Sir!

I did try to pay the Property tax of Rs 3557 towards Property Tax for Year 2014-2015 towards KHATA # FLAT NO. B-102 (AMODA VALMARK, KAMANAHALLI,BANGALORE) and amount got debited from my HDFC Saving account(A/C# 00531610063136) but BBMP website showed failure transaction.

Again I tried to pay the amonut now by HDFC Credit card (Card#4617873000218088) and this time it was successful.

I did wait for more than two weeks but amount Rs 3557 did not get credited to my HDFC savings account.

HDFC Bank confirmed that the amount of Rs 3557 got succesfully credited to BBMP
account and no failue was seen from bank side.

I did pay two times the amount (One by my savings account and other by credit card).

Could you please revers the amount of Rs 3557 to my HDFC savings account and please also share the timeline that will be required to do the needful?



Yogesh Kumar


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Vani Suresh - 05-05-2014 10:05:35

Complaint forwarded to:

Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) : Shri Ramakanth, 22975555,9480683121,dcrev@bbmp.gov.in

Advisor IT:Shri Sheshadri T,22133029,9480683131,itadv@bbmp.gov.in

You can also contact Control Room Number:22221188 at BBMP, Head Office

Sumithra J - 07-05-2014 12:05:49

Pls contact East Zone control Room 22975803

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