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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1593
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 29-04-2014
Subject New PID Number is missing
Complaint / Requirement


I have been paying the property tax online . This year [2014-15] also I have paid. Following are the details for that.

Receipt No: 1415790151955

I could see that New PID No is missing in the receipt. This case was same for the last couple of years  payment.

I had contacted the Areekere Office on this an year ago , and I was informed that it will be allocated and will be available this year.

Unfortunately it is not available yet. Please let me know as what needs to be done from my side for getting the PID number for the properly. I could see that PID was allocated for other houses in the same apartment.

I tried searching for the PID and I am getting a message as Missing Property. Please find the attached screenshot.

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Vani Suresh - 30-04-2014 10:04:52

Complaint forwarded to:

Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) : Shri Ramakanth, 22975555,9480683121,dcrev@bbmp.gov.in

Advisor IT:Shri Sheshadri T,22133029,9480683131,itadv@bbmp.gov.in

You can also contact Control Room Number:22221188 at BBMP, Head Office

arun - 17-11-2014 02:11:01

This is to follow up this complaint.
Now also I am unable to find the PID number for the property. Please help on this.


arun - 24-01-2015 09:01:53

Still I am unable to see the PIC.

Please let me know when this is going to get resolved.

arun m das - 29-04-2015 10:04:25


This complaint has been due for an year now and I could not see any action being taken on this.

I am doing another follow up now. Please do the needful.

Today I paid 2015-16 property tax online . In this receipt also I could not see the PID for the property.

Please help me to resolve this.

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