Need to know th process or the procedure to obtrain the receipt for the property tax paid for the belwo mentioned property.
Tax was paid online on . on 23 Apr 2014, 9:53PM. THe payment was made by using the citi bank credit card through the IDBI payment gateway provided by the BBMP website. The credit number is 5520 XXXX XXXX XXXX 4098.
Property details are (a) Property New PID 181-W0459-16 and (b)Owners Name Prasanna Nanjangud Adisesha
Complaint forwarded to:
Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) : Shri Ramakanth, 22975555,9480683121,
Advisor IT:Shri Sheshadri T,22133029,9480683131,
You can also contact Control Room Number:22221188 at BBMP, Head Office