I have paid property tax for the year 2014_15, amount got deducted from my card, but receipt is not getting generated. When checked on line for tax paid details its not showing. Please verify this and provide receipt. Please find transaction details below.
Application No: 611891404Bank Transaction No: 3797521Application Number generated today: 790087006 Receipt No: 1415790087006
I have paid amount 5364 on 22nd April 2014 through credit card. Transaction was successful, please find the attachment.
My ward no: 501 and ward name is : Bommanahalli.
Kindly do the needful.
Complaint forwarded to:
Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) : Shri Ramakanth, 22975555,9480683121,dcrev@bbmp.gov.in
Advisor IT:Shri Sheshadri T,22133029,9480683131,itadv@bbmp.gov.in
You can also contact Control Room Number:22221188 at BBMP, Head Office