My PID no. Is 188_W0419__6. This is no updated in tax receipt. for the last 2years i have to go to the concerned and ask them to write inthe box and get their signature. Pl. Arrange to update the same to enanble me to pay the tax for current year.
Please find the control room number for property tax 2573 2247/2573 5642 and also office number is 25735390/ 2573 2628/2573 5608. Please contact to this number.
This is not the way of resolving our complaints. You are appointed to solve the problems by contacting the concernef and rectify the midstsakes done ny them. But you arre passing on yoir rresponsibility to the complainant by giving half a dozen phone nos. This is very rediculous .You are only ecpecting us to solve our problems ourselves. Then whay for u t therre? The dereliction of duty on the part of the concerned will be tsken up to the Commivssioner notice...