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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1300
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 22-01-2014
Subject Regarding KHATHA number wrongly mentioned in Property Tax receipt
Complaint / Requirement

Respected Sir


I have paid this year property tax through BBMP horamavu - Araga tax collection office. But they wrongly mentioned the KHATHA number in receipt. When I approched BBMP they told me this is locked already and they could not able to do anything. Sir what I can do for this. Do I ned to pay again for get a correct receipt.


Thankign you



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Subramani K R - 23-01-2014 01:01:31

Sorry sir please you take one request letter from DCF or ACF of head office for wrong receipt remove in online Receipt module and must and should mention receipt no in that request letter  after when you get the signed and seal then you submit me in acf mahadevapura then i will transfer to icst helpdesk. after you can generate  new receipt.

IndianCST - 29-01-2014 03:01:15

Hi Subramani,

Please look into the issue properly before responding to any complaint. As , the public have raised the above complaint regarding the property tax receipt in which wrong receipt number was generated. For which we need to provide the Revenue office details of west zone. Please add the same in the complaint.

IndianCST - 31-01-2014 06:01:19


Please raise your complaint in the below link for the PID numbers. Because this is not the correct link to raise the issue regarding the property tax.


Also, please contact these numbers 080-65683804, 080-65683805 and 080-22247627  for any problems.

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