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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1100
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 21-10-2013
Subject Issue of BBMP - 'A' Khata
Complaint / Requirement

Dear Sir,

I have paid the betterment charges on 16-8-2000 through Vijaya bank KR puram branch & have an acknowledgement also issued by CMC KR PURAM. I have paid upto date property tax in respect of Site no. 7 at the below mentioned address. I still do not have BBMP A KHATA. How to get it at the earliest as I am unable to get BANK LOAN for construction ?

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IndianCST - 22-10-2013 12:10:37


Regarding the payment details or any other information related property Tax. Please contact the zonal office numbers 25401675 or 28512301.

As the property Tax details is not with the FMS team. We will not be able to help or assist with any form of details neither we will be able to give you any solution for the issue you have raised.

Please contact the phone numbers mentioned above.

ANAND RAM - 04-04-2014 10:04:38


I contacted through  the above phone nos provided by you without any solution. Kindly let me know how can I get A khata to my site. I am suffering for no fault of mine.



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